Documented Cases of Successful Chiropractic Care for Asthma


There have been many cases of children and adults who have experienced the benefits of chiropractic care in the treatment of their asthma. Some of the cases documented in case studies and reports follow:

  • As reported in the Journal of Pediatric, Maternal and Family Health – Chiropractic 2009, a boy aged 7 years, was presented for chiropractic evaluation and possibly care. He suffered from allergies, asthma and chronic colds since he was 5 months old. During the time of the initial evaluation, the boy was on a prescription for Albuterol for asthma and Alavert for allergies. The patient was treated applying specific, low-force adjustment technique with the use of the Activator Instrument in addressing the vertebral subluxation in the areas in the thoracic, cervical and lumbosacral spine. Two weeks into the chiropractic treatment, the patient was well enough to discontinue his medications for allergy and asthma, as well as the use of nebulizer.
  • A report published in the International Chiropractic Association International Review of Chiropractic January 1995 issue, written by Trent Bachman and Charles Lantz, cites the case of a three year old boy who has been medically diagnosed of asthma since he was 22 months old. He was prescribed two medications – Theodore Sprinkle and Metaproterenal Syrup – in an unsuccessful attempt to control the the symptoms of asthma. The boy was examined and evaluated for chiropractic care. He received 28 chiropractic manipulative treatments for a period of three years and three months. The chiropractic management of asthma applying the Gonstead adjustive therapy resulted in dramatic improvement of asthma and enuresis.
  • In Today’s Chiropractic November 2000 issue, an article titled “Chiropractic Management of 47 Asthma Cases”, one case of severe and persistent asthma was selected for the report. The symptom and profile of the patient, a 12-year-old boy was also representative of most patients in his classification group. The onset of the boy’s asthma started when he was 2 years old and by time he was 4, his asthma was severe persistent, as diagnosed. The patient experienced daily attacks despite the twice a day medications and total of 24 inhalations using three different inhalers he was treated with.

He was found to have subluxations in the spine based on spinal scans and correction ensued. Within six months of the chiropractic care, the patient did not have to use medications. He was checked up by his medical specialist close to a year after chiropractic care was initiated, and was diagnosed as non-asthmatic.